Homework battles are a thing of the past

Jessica has been working with my daughter since late October. My initial goal was to have my daughter start to read in English and to catch up to grade-level expectations in French. Now, at the end of the school year, my daughter is a confident reader in both English and French. My daughter adores Jessica. I appreciate her insightful reports about my daughter’s progress and her detailed plans for moving forward.

Once my original goals had been met, I still had concerns about my daughter’s initiative with respect to schoolwork. Her skills had improved, but homework remained a battle and I felt like we would need tutoring support indefinitely. Jessica acknowledged my concerns and set to work to find a solution so that my daughter could become more independent and focussed. After some research, she suggested Interactive Metronome®. Using that tool, Jessica was able to assess my daughter’s timing and determined that she was having difficulty coordinating her movements and processing auditory information. She set up a treatment plan and after only three sessions, we started to see significant results. My daughter came home with her weekly homework package and took it upon herself to get started right away. In one night, she finished half of her work for the week and finished the rest before school the next morning. Her improved initiative is such a relief. Late homework and daily hysterical crying about homework are a thing of the past. We’ve also noticed that our daughter’s performance in soccer has improved. She is now an active scorer, which is new for her.

I have seen many positive changes in my daughter that I attribute to the work that she has done with Jessica. Jessica genuinely cares about getting to the bottom of learning problems, and she delivers on what she sets out to do.  – Nicole. Mom of a grade 2 French Immersion student.