Bal-A-Vis-X® Training

Two options:
April 25-26, 2025 or
July 16-17, 2025
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Sponsor: Thrive Academy
Instructor: Katy Held, Sanctioned Bal-A-Vis-X Instructor


Day 1
Day 2
Registration begins at 8:00 a.m.

8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. (1-hour lunch)
8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. (1-hour lunch)


Register here.

This workshop is for individuals 18 years and older. Registration is capped at 24 people. Pre-registration is required. An Illustrated Bal-A-Vis-X manual is included with registration. Supplies (balls, sandbags, balance boards, tracking balls, books and DVDs) will be available for purchase on-site.
The cost of this course is $550.  ($500 before the early bird deadline: March 21 for the April course, June 13th for the July course)
Payment by e-transfer is preferred.


For Teachers, OTs, PTs, Brain Gym Instructors, Recreational Therapists, Speech Language Pathologists, parents and other family members. Benefiting persons with learning disabilities, neurological, orthopedic, pediatric, and geriatric challenges.

What is BAL-A-VIS-X? Bal-AVis-X is a series of Balance/Auditory/Vision eXercises, of varied complexity, all of which are deeply rooted in rhythm. Exercises are completed with sand-filled bags and racquetballs, sometimes while standing on a balance board.

Bal-AVis-X (BAVX) enables the whole mind-body system to experience the natural symmetrical flow of a pendulum. BAVX requires focused attention, demands cooperation, promotes self-challenge, and fosters peer teaching. It is school-friendly and just plain fun.

These movements are appropriate for all ages and abilities. Improvements have been seen in academic performance, visual form perception, auditory processing and ocular tracking.  Individuals with learning, behavioural and attention challenges have seen improvements in cognitive integration, comprehension, and attention span as well as a decrease in impulsiveness.

Gifted and “regular” students have reported improved academic performance and decreased stress levels. Orthopedic patients improve posture, strength and coordination.  Athletes report higher batting averages and better ball-handling skills. Challenged students are noted to have improved balance, coordination and speech.  For all – confidence, self-esteem, and learning retention are enhanced.

Level A: Foundation and Adaptive Bal-A-Vis-X

Includes the principles, rhythms, patterns, procedures, the first 175+ foundation exercises, advanced exercises, and modifications of the basic exercises for the very young, elderly, people with other challenges, and a vision tracking procedure.

The Instructor:  During the past fifteen years, Katy Held has attended and/or hosted all levels of Bal-A-Vis-X training at least 20 times. In 2008, she received sanction as a Bal-A-Vis-X instructor from Bill Hubert, the originator of Bal-A-Vis-X.  Katy has been an Educational Kinesiologist since 2004. Katy has used Bal-A-Vis-X regularly with students of all ages. She has taught Bal-A-Vis-X courses in Arizona, Chicago, Indiana, Kentucky, and Michigan.

See it in Action

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